In August 2024, Capital Trees will break ground on the Hotchkiss Green.

Source: Visit Site
In August 2024, Capital Trees will break ground on the Hotchkiss Green.

Capital Trees is working to create a greener, more livable Richmond through the thoughtful planning, planting, and maintenance of public green places.

 The Hotchkiss Green

Join us for a Groundbreaking Celebration on our next greenspace project, the Hotchkiss Green on Monday, August 26, 5:30 pm at the Hotchkiss Field Community Center.

Join friends, supporters, city officials, and neighbors for a groundbreaking celebration and ice cream social with free ice-cream from Ruby Scoops.


At the invitation of the City of Richmond, Parks, Recreation, and Community Facilities, Capital Trees began to explore the feasibility of a new greenspace transformation on Richmond’s northside in 2021.  In 2022, we partnered with Timmons Group to continue community engagement and input on park design.  Capital Trees staff and board members led community engagement at the center, at local community meetings, and nearby events.  Through our conversations with the community and center leadership, we learned of the desire for pollinator friendly habitats, places to sit and gather, edible plants incorporated into the landscape, more shade, and a walking trail.  This feedback was incorporated into three plans that were shared with the community for final feedback and revision.  Our final plan draws incorporates input from the community.  With a final plan in hand, we initiated the necessary approvals with the City and more focused fundraising.  To date, we have raised over 90% of our construction funds.  We have selected construction leads:  Exact Stormwater Management with James River Nurseries.  We are on track to break ground in mid-August 2024.  Your support of the project will help cover the remaining construction costs AND community engagement/sustainable management for at least three years following project completion.

The project will transform two acres of treeless turf at the Hotchkiss Field Community Center in Richmond’s northside into the Hotchkiss Green – an inviting urban landscape that includes walking trails, seating areas, shade trees, a pollinator garden, and native shrubs and perennials.

The green space will be a focal point for the community, providing a restorative space to connect with nature and neighbors. We know that when people have access to green space, they feel better — mentally and physically. The green space we have planned will provide a place for residents to exercise, commune with their neighbors, feel connected to nature, and cool down in the shade. The urban landscape we have planned is an investment in the health of the Highland Park community, now and in the future. The trees we add to the space will contribute to the City’s tree canopy, cooling temperatures on the ground to help offset the negative health effects of the urban heat island effect. The green space will provide immediate relief for residents and for generations to come as the tree canopy becomes more established.  Stay tuned for updates.  Donate to Hotchkiss Green.